The best recipe 6 S
The World's most delicious food cake drink
Extraordinary, delicious, family most loved formula. Food Greek
Watchword greek, Pie, spinach
Planning Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 21 minutes
All out Time 51 minutes
Servings 12 servings
Calories 295 kcal
6 sheets phyllo baked good (17x13-inches each), defrosted whenever solidified
4 tablespoons unsalted margarine, dissolved
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 vast onion, finely hacked
20 ounces solidified slashed spinach, defrosted and pressed dry
2 glasses ricotta cheddar
8 ounces disintegrated feta cheddar
8 ounces ground Monterey Jack cheddar
2 vast eggs
3 tablespoons finely slashed new dill
3 tablespoons finely slashed new parsley
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon naturally ground dark pepper
Preheat broiler to 350°F. Spread a 13x9x2-inch heating dish or splash with nonstick shower.
In a medium skillet, warm the olive oil over medium warmth for around 1 minute. Include the onions and cook until mellowed, around 5 minutes, blending frequently. Put aside.
In a vast bowl, blend together onion, depleted spinach, ricotta, feta, jack cheddar, eggs, dill, parsley, salt and dark pepper. Spread portion of filling in preparing dish. Cover with 2 bits of the phyllo cake (simply tuck the edges in on the sides). Brush baked good delicately with liquefied spread. Top with one bit of phyllo. Tuck in any overhanging edges. Spread residual filling over phyllo. Top with 2 additional bits of phyllo and brush delicately with margarine. Top with residual phyllo sheet and brush with margarine. Utilize a sharp blade to stamp 12 squares by slicing through the best layers of baked good.
Heat until phyllo topping is brilliant and filling is gurgling tenderly, around 45 minutes. Utilize a sharp blade to slice through the checked squares. Serve warm.
Formula NOTES
*If secured firmly and refrigerated, this pie can be amassed promptly in the day and prepared later. Cold pot pie will likely need to heat an extra 5 minutes.
Sustenance Realities
Greek Spinach Pie
Sum Per Serving (1 piece)
Calories 295 Calories from Fat 189
% Day by day Value*
All out Fat 21g 32%
Immersed Fat 12g 60%
Cholesterol 95mg 32%
Sodium 489mg 20%
Potassium 275mg 8%
All out Starches 10g 3%
Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
Sugars 1g
Protein 15g 30%
Nutrient A 124%
Nutrient C 6%
Calcium 39.1%
Press 10.3%
* Percent Day by day Esteems depend on a 2000 calorie diet
Extraordinary, delicious, family most loved formula. Food Greek
Watchword greek, Pie, spinach
Planning Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 21 minutes
All out Time 51 minutes
Servings 12 servings
Calories 295 kcal

6 sheets phyllo baked good (17x13-inches each), defrosted whenever solidified
4 tablespoons unsalted margarine, dissolved
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 vast onion, finely hacked
20 ounces solidified slashed spinach, defrosted and pressed dry
2 glasses ricotta cheddar
8 ounces disintegrated feta cheddar
8 ounces ground Monterey Jack cheddar
2 vast eggs
3 tablespoons finely slashed new dill
3 tablespoons finely slashed new parsley
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon naturally ground dark pepper
Preheat broiler to 350°F. Spread a 13x9x2-inch heating dish or splash with nonstick shower.
In a medium skillet, warm the olive oil over medium warmth for around 1 minute. Include the onions and cook until mellowed, around 5 minutes, blending frequently. Put aside.
In a vast bowl, blend together onion, depleted spinach, ricotta, feta, jack cheddar, eggs, dill, parsley, salt and dark pepper. Spread portion of filling in preparing dish. Cover with 2 bits of the phyllo cake (simply tuck the edges in on the sides). Brush baked good delicately with liquefied spread. Top with one bit of phyllo. Tuck in any overhanging edges. Spread residual filling over phyllo. Top with 2 additional bits of phyllo and brush delicately with margarine. Top with residual phyllo sheet and brush with margarine. Utilize a sharp blade to stamp 12 squares by slicing through the best layers of baked good.
Heat until phyllo topping is brilliant and filling is gurgling tenderly, around 45 minutes. Utilize a sharp blade to slice through the checked squares. Serve warm.
Formula NOTES
*If secured firmly and refrigerated, this pie can be amassed promptly in the day and prepared later. Cold pot pie will likely need to heat an extra 5 minutes.
Sustenance Realities
Greek Spinach Pie
Sum Per Serving (1 piece)
Calories 295 Calories from Fat 189
% Day by day Value*
All out Fat 21g 32%
Immersed Fat 12g 60%
Cholesterol 95mg 32%
Sodium 489mg 20%
Potassium 275mg 8%
All out Starches 10g 3%
Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
Sugars 1g
Protein 15g 30%
Nutrient A 124%
Nutrient C 6%
Calcium 39.1%
Press 10.3%
* Percent Day by day Esteems depend on a 2000 calorie diet